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22 Dec 2016



1181 Health services and public health managers and directors

1184 Social services managers and directors

2211 Medical practitioners

2212 Psychologists

2213 Pharmacists

2214 Ophthalmic opticians

2215 Dental practitioners

2217 Medical radiographers

2218 Podiatrists

2219 Health professionals not elsewhere classified

2221 Physiotherapists

2222 Occupational therapists

2223 Speech and language therapists

2229 Therapy professionals not elsewhere classified

2231 Nurses

2232 Midwives

2312 Further education teaching professionals

2314 Secondary education teaching professionals

2315 Primary and nursery education teaching professionals

2316 Special needs education teaching professionals

2317 Senior professionals of educational establishments

2318 Education advisers and school inspectors

2319 Teaching and other educational professionals not elsewhere classified

2442 Social workers

2443 Probation officers

2449 Welfare professionals not elsewhere classified




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